

Crafts Against Occupation

lørdag 06. jul. 2024
Kl. 00:00

Having lost the talent of crafting nice banners and stencils, we are out looking for anyone willing to share their wisdom. So, on July 6th after the DEMO we come to folkets to make protest materials against the occupation of Palestine while listening to handpicked anticolonial sounds. The palestinian solidarity movement in the town is growing rapidly and the least we can do is let the city walls know about it. As a result, new crafts and ideas are more welcome than ever.
Materials for stencils and banners will be provided but feel free to bring old tablecloths from your zionist relatives.

Doors open at 16.
Refresfing drinks at the bar after 18.

 link to the demo: https://fb.me/e/aVDSrI3Uu 

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