Aarhus C


Parallelle virkeligheder/Parallel Realities – Aarhus

mandag 04. nov. 2024
Kl. 17:00

Salah fra Gaza og Jonathan fra Israel reflekterer over hvad der adskiller dem, og hvad der bringer dem sammen.
Salah from Gaza and Jonathan from Israel reflect on what separates them and what brings them together.
Music performed by Jamile Alfer-Henriksen & Jonathan Ofir, and Ihab Bishara Lolas will join us in the music, on oud.
Palestinian food can be bought.
Jonathan Ofir says about the event:
On the 4th of November, in Aarhus, I will join Salah Eleyan for reflections on “parallel realities”, on the experience of being subject to genocide, and being part of the perpetrating class. Jamile Alfer-Henriksen (singer) and Jonathan Ofir (on violin and probably a bit of song) will perform some music too.
and Ihab Bishara Lolas will join us in the music, on oud.
– Salah Eleyan
– Jonathan Ofir
PS. This event will be held in English
Feel free to contact us at msaapalsol@gmail.com, if you have any questions

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